What We Do
Converting millions of gallons of waste into biofuel products
The biofuel industry is about so much more than production. By converting agricultural waste that would otherwise head to the landfill, we generate biofuel, glycerin, carbon credits and the capacity to continue reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) at scale.

Biofuel Production Facilities
Lethbridge, Alberta
Our BQ-9000 certified production facility in Lethbridge is the first Generation 2 biodiesel producer in Alberta, capable of producing 20M gallons of distilled biodiesel and 9M pounds of glycerin every year.

Biofuel Production Facilities
Stockton, California
Our BQ-9000 certified production facility in Stockton can produce 10M gallons of non-distilled biodiesel from mixed waste feedstock and 18M pounds per year of crude glycerin annually.

Biofuel Terminal Service
Our Stockton facility also includes a dedicated terminal that can receive renewable diesel and biodiesel by rail and truck.
The material can then be blended onsite and loaded onto trucks for retail delivery.

Oilseed Processing
Our Lethbridge facility also offers oilseed processing, with capacity to crush 60K tons of seed every year.
Biodiesel 101
Biodiesel is a simple solution with proven performance, seamlessly fitting into today’s global diesel infrastructure. Blended with petroleum diesel, biodiesel blends provide performance characteristics similar to diesel, such as fuel economy, horsepower and torque, but offers significant lifecycle greenhouse gas reductions (upwards of 80 per cent). Depending on fuel type and concentration, biodiesel can provide additional performance benefits including:
- Enhanced lubricity, which can extend engine life
- Improved combustion from higher Cetane Number values
- Improved emissions over petroleum-based fuels
Many biodiesels already meet the standards set for transportation fuels, meaning they can be utilized in existing fuel tanks with no negative impact on operation. Proven over billions of miles at various blend levels, biodiesel holds the key to reducing carbon dioxide emissions today.